Kendall OPEN HOUSE & Parent Workshop

2:30pm – 4:00pm

Our Campus

2:30pm – 3:10pm
Parent Workshop
“Winning at the starting line – Should my 3 year old join the race?”
Speaker: Dr. Wil Chan (Founder and Director of Kendall International Preschool)​

3:15pm – 4:00pm
Activities: K1 – Skill Development Activities for Children
Instructors: Kendall International Preschool teachers

We always hear people say that my upcoming K1 son must ‘win at the starting line.’ – but is this the only race in town? Although many HK families struggle with this question, the good news is that there are options! Join us on October 20th (Sat) at Kendall International Preschool to explore the other ‘races’ available for all families and upcoming K1 children.

Our open house will start with a workshop on options, followed by activities for families with kids searching for a K1 placement next year. Looking forward to seeing you and your family on October 20th.