
– 孔子



  • 學習不僅是學習知識。它是關於性格培養,求知慾,跨學術和實時解難應變,關於學生的全人發展,包括知識、技能、態度、習慣和價值觀。
  • 學習不是消極的。它是關於包含心思技巧的發問和好奇心,抱有冒險、創造力、意識和毅力態度去探索未知領域。
  • 學習涵有內在化培育。在年輕人的學習生活中營造積極與不斷自我反思的空間。
  • 學習也渉及道德觀。它以歷史悠久的中華文化為核心價值,旨在成為一個善良、懂尊重和負責任的全球公民。一個堅強而有韌性的人,也對世界及其社區有承擔。


漢迪國際幼稚園暨幼兒園以美國的 Creative Curriculum 為基礎,結合幼兒的獨特性,讓他們從具目的和有益的遊戲中學習,從小鍛鍊幼兒的邏輯及多元化思維,培養解難能力及社交技巧,從而建立幼兒的自信,啓廸創新思維。

我們堅信精通語言是豐富自身學習經驗至關重要的基礎。因此,培育幼兒的語言發展是漢迪國際幼稚園暨幼兒園的課程的重點之一。漢迪以英語為主要授課語言,班主任教師(Homeroom Teacher)均為英語為母語的受訓教師,配以由中文教師教授的中文課,為幼兒提供優良的語言學習環境。



五項 Creative Curriculum 基本教學原則






Young children comes in all different shapes, sizes and readiness levels to learn. No one exactly the same, they are individuals who comes to life’s stage with a variety of talents, gifts and poise. Each one occupying a different developmental stage than any other – they are unique.Kendall International Preschool embraces their uniqueness and combines it with the power of purposeful exploration and discovery. . While many of us think of play as leisure activities, the research on its impact on young children’s cognitive development and learning is undisputed. Purposeful play has a critical role in the development of logical and diverse thinking, problem solving and a child’s acquisition of social skills. An excellent vehicle for children to learn to observe, solve, compare, sort and sequence, the child’s knowledge grows as they experiment, make discoveries and shift their own thinking as they incorporate new insights. Play is a crucial vehicle for exploring and learning, developing new skills, building relationships and connecting with others.Grounded in the U.S. based Creative Curriculum, Kendall International Preschool offers a preparatory and educational program that is rich in creative options, plush with personal choices and robust with growth opportunities.

學生學習成果 (SLR)


  • 追求卓越;
  • 仁愛忠孝;
  • 尊重、勇於承擔;
  • 毅力、遵守承諾;
  • 正直、富同情心。